Freestyle Magazine

To whom it may concern,

George Farrah is a very creative and well skilled industrious bike builder with a pleasant personality who is easy to work with. He went well beyond the magazine requirements in the quantity and quality of his custom choppers that he has supplied for various photo shoots, as well as putting in a lot of extra thought into the styling of the shoots.

Throughout the years that we have known George he has demonstrated great perseverance and initiative to build up his company, to make Snake Charmer Choppers become one of the leaders in custom bike building in Australia.

Freestyle magazine created the title “Snake Charmer” as it best suited George’s character and personality that is shown through his snake like creations. Snake Charmer Choppers have always been a favorite in Freestyle magazine because of the superior build quality and overall themes. Musicians that have been interviewed in Freestyle magazine such as US rappers Jagged Edge commented that “This bike is crazy, we’d love to take this back home with us” when they saw the cover and feature on the Snake Charmer.

Yours sincerely,

John Churchill
Director, Freestyle Magazine.

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