One World Sport Parramatta

To whom it may concern,

This letter is to say that Mr. George Farrah of Snake Charmers Australia held an event with us on the 11th April 2008. Building up to the event was an array of stage acts, clientele and media hype, and various interests from the corporate sector as well as the hospitality industry.

Local and State media were here, guest acts and international guests, as well as an association of people with background interests. The crowd we had that night had never been here before in general and so we took the night as a kind of “exposure” to our business and our premises.

George liaised with us quite frequently prior to the event as well as his staff and associates in nights preceding in rehearsals and theatrical props. The night went well and had half of Sydney talking about it.

Our association for a one off event was excellent as it bought many different types of people to the venue without an ounce of trouble at all.
I would have no problems recommending this event to any other club or establishment as this field has I believe a high interest in the community and the association with the Snake Charmer brand seems to be very high.

Yours faithfully,
Danny Kahwaji,
One World Sport Parramatta.

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